Seven thrives in a skirmish waiting for the time to strike. Then he rolls into the fight like a storm and batters his enemies with a cascade of lightning.
Storm Cloud
Storm Cloud secondary ability delay reduced from 2s to 0.25s
Storm Cloud
Storm Cloud now grants you a secondary ability Lightning Strike (one-time use AoE). After 2s delay, strikes 6m area for 150 Damage and knockback.
Storm Cloud DPS reduced from 125 to 110
Storm Cloud
Storm Cloud T3 now also allows you to float around at 2.5m/s speed
Storm Cloud
Expand time reduced from 2s to 1.5s
Now causes you to levitate up and down a little bit in a cycle rather than being fully stationary
Storm Cloud
DPS increased from 110 to 120
Lightning Ball
Lightning Ball cooldown increased from 23s to 26s
Lightning Ball radius reduced from 4m to 3.5m
Lightning Ball
Lightning Ball T2 slow reduced from 40% to 35%
Base Sprint
Movespeed reduced from 7.3 to 7.1
Storm Cloud
Storm Cloud expand time reduced from 3s to 2s
Storm Cloud range increased from 25m to 30m
Lightning Ball
T3 reduced from +2m Radius to +1m
Base regen increased from 1.5 to 3
Movespeed scaling with Spirit Power reduced from 0.028 to 0.02
Lightning Ball
T3 increased from +1m to +2m
Static Charge
Can now be alternate-casted on self (does not stun you).
Stun duration reduced from 1.1s to 0.9s.
Radius reduced from 6m to 5m.
Now respects line of sight.
Static Charge
T3 stun duration reduced from 1.1s to 0.9s.
Lightning Ball
T3 now also gives +1m Radius.
Headshot reduction increased from 25% to 35%
Base bullet resist reduced from 8% to 0%
Bullet resist no longer scales with Boons
Storm Cloud
Storm Cloud cooldown reduced from 180s to 140s
Storm Cloud damage reduced from 124 to 110
Storm Cloud max radius reduced from 30m to 25m
Storm Cloud audio is now a little clearer when it's cast
Storm Cloud
Storm Cloud: Spirit Power DPS scaling reduced from 0.8 to 0.7.
Static Charge
Radius increased from 5m to 6m
Static Charge
T2 radius increased from +7m to +8m
Storm Cloud
Time to reach maximum radius reduced from 6s to 3s
Now provides +20% Bullet Resistance in the base ability
Spirit power scaling reduced from 1.1 to 0.8
Static Charge
Stun delay reduced from 4s to 3.5s
Fixed multiple instances not working correctly
Lightning Ball
Duration increased from 4s to 5s
Static Charge
Static Charge stun duration reduced from 1.25s to 1.1s
Static Charge
Static Charge T3 stun duration reduced from 1.25s to 1.1s
Static Charge
Static Charge T2 radius increased from +5m to +7m
Headshot damage taken reduced by 25%
Base regen increased from 1 to 1.5
Now gains +1% Bullet Resistance per boon (happens 11 times)
Base bullet resistance reduced from 20% to 8%
Power Surge
Power Surge scaling reduced from 0.2 to 0.16
Static Charge
Cast range now scales with Spirit (0.1)
Now has base +20% Bullet Resistance
No longer has base +15% Spirit Resistance
Fixed Return Fire working with Power Surge
Base Health
Base health regen reduced from 2 to 1
Static Charge
Static Charge T1 improved from -15s Cooldown to -20s
Static Charge
Now uses the new instant cast option that Bebop Bomb uses
Power Surge
Spirit scaling increased from 0.1 to 0.2 (new total with T3 is now from 0.5 to 0.6)
Storm Cloud
Storm Cloud initial radius increased from 10m to 12m
Storm Cloud
Storm Cloud T2 bonus radius reduced from 12m to 10m
Storm Cloud
Storm Cloud T1 increased from +30% to +35% Bullet Resist
Power Surge
Power Surge rebalanced around no longer reducing fire rate (similar shock value effectiveness as before)