Expending health to achieve devastating effects is the source of Lady Geist's power. When running low, she can drain the life out of her rivals.
Malice can now secure orbs
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange T2 changed from '-10% Min Health' to 'On cast +40% Fire Rate for 8s'
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange T3 changed from 'On cast, +40% Fire Rate and +40% Spirit Resist for 8s' to 'Silences enemies in 15m radius for 3s'
Life Drain
Life Drain duration increased from 2s to 2.5s
Life Drain
Life Drain T3 changed from 'Enemy is Silenced while being Life Drained' to 'Ability becomes charged and grants +1 Charge'. Multiple Life Drains at once possible.
Essence Bomb
Self Damage spirit scaling reduced from 2 to 1.8
Essence Bomb
Fixed a bug that could cause some units to take more damage than intended when multiple targets are hit
Life Drain
Can now be alternate-casted on allied heroes
Added double tap accidental protection to help against instant cancellations
You can now see how many Malice stacks you have on you as the opponent
Slow duration reduced from 6s to 4s
Amp duration reduced from 16s to 13s
Life Drain
Cooldown reduced from 42s to 30s.
Fixed not healing extra based on amplifications (like Soul Shredder and Malice stacks).
Cooldown reduced from 6.25s to 6s.
T1 improved from -2.75s Cooldown to -3s.
Base Sprint
Sprint increased from 1 to 1.5.
Essence Bomb
Essence Bomb T3 damage increased from 22% to 26%
Essence Bomb
Essence Bomb spirit scaling increased from 1.05 to 1.15
Fixed a recent bug with Malice that caused multiple blood shards to be absorbed by 1 hero rather than pass through and hit others
Self Damage no longer consumes shields (general change)
Base Sprint
Base sprint reduced from 2 to 1
Base Attack
Bullet damage growth increased from 1.84 to 2.1
Base bullet damage reduced from 28 to 25
Essence Bomb
Essence Bomb T2 reduced from +70 to +60
Essence Bomb
Essence Bomb T3 increased from 20% to 22%
Life Drain
Life Drain self slow reduced from -40% to -25%
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange can be cast on enemies that are lower health. It will always steal a minimum of 30% of their current health.
Essence Bomb
Essence Bomb arm time reduced from 1s to 0.5s (this is a nerf for long distance bombs)
Essence Bomb no longer starts decaying the arm time while in the air
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange T3 changed to 'After swap gain +40% Fire Rate and +40% Spirit Resistance for 8s'
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange cast time reduced from 0.5 to 0.2
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange cast time reduced from 0.65s to 0.5s
Fixed Malice clipping aggressively against map geometry edges
Soul Exchange
Soul Exchange now uses a new instant cast mechanism. When you are in range there is a valid target indicator.
Malice now comes out quicker and no longer slows you
Essence Bomb
Blood Bomb damage increased from 80 to 100
Blood Bomb tooltip fixed to reference the correct self damage type and that it can be reduced with armor
Essence Bomb
Blood Bomb T2 damage increased from +65 to +70
Malice damage amp per shard increased from 10% to 15%