パッチ・ソースAccounts that are banned for cheating will now have all their invited accounts banned as well
The Damage Report's Damage List now aggregates damage from all units, and displays both hero and ability icons
You can view per-hero damage in the Damage Report by hovering the damage type breakdown above each hero portrait
Added a 'Compact' Damage Report mode that shows less information but takes up less space. This is the default after dying.
Clicking the top bar will now toggle the Damage Report between minimized, compact, and full view
Opening the shop now always minimizes the Damage Report
Updated effects on Pocket effects to improve visibility
Added new cast effect for Grey Talon's Guided Owl
Updated effects for heavy melee
Updated bullet resist debuff effects
Added new Cold Front visual effects
Added new Echo Shard visual effects
Added new Refresher visual effects
Guardians now fade out from the world 10 seconds after dying
Added Knockdown select, cast, delay, and impact sound effects
Added Warden Alchemical Flask cast, projectile, and impact sound effects
Raised volume of Wraith Card Trick charge up sound effect
Raised volume of party invite, join, and roster select sound effects
Added additional voice lines for Abrams
Added Midboss arrive, low health, and death sound effects
Added a small delay so kill lines play after death sound effects rather than under them
Sounds occluded by level geometry will now be quieter
Fixed a bug that allowed you to shoot through walls
Fixed a bug where Infernus could get stuck in his Flame Dash pose
Fixed a speed exploit with Infernus Flame Dash
Fixed a bug that allowed your gun to be very accurate while holding tab
Removed voice lines / fixed text that referenced the urn being delivered to the temple
Guardian melee no longer does a double instant melee attack sometimes
Guardian melee attack no longer has a splash range much larger than its visuals
Reverted a change from last update to Warden's Alchemical Flask – it now launches where the reticle is aiming at the end of the cast
Removed the long fx trail from unsecured souls on your hero so it doesn't give away your position when juking/hiding
Powerup buff duration increased from 130s to 150s
Golden Statues level 2 drops now happen at 15 minutes instead of 20
Increased golden statue drop chance by 4%
Guardian HP increased by 10%
Walker in mid lanes health increased by 12%
Walker stomp can no longer be dodged with double jump
Walker stomp area increased a bit
Weakened Patron health increased by 20%
Mid Boss starting health increased from 4500 to 5000
Mid Boss health gained per minute increased from 200 to 275
Rejuv drop time reduced from 12.5s to 9s
Midboss makes a global sound when at 35% hp
Reworked comeback formula to be less weighted towards team vs team net worth and more towards the net worth of the dying hero compared to the average of your team (regardless if your team is leading or not)
Base ammo increased by 5% (except for Haze and Wraith)
T2 items cost increased from 1200 to 1250
T4 Items cost reduced from 6500 to 6300
Vitality base health bonus increased from 8/12/16/20% to 11/14/17/20%
Can no longer use the Teleporter while carrying the Urn
Teleporter now has the same damage rules as zipline (DoT no longer prevents usage)
Cooldown reduction now stacks diminishingly
Reduced the momentum coming off of the zipline
Reworked building just outside Amber's base in the Yellow lane to match Sapphire Purple
Started replacing older style rollup doors with new ones with larger dimensions
Reworked the mid temple area as well adding various different entrances to it
Reworked the upper mid temple area and the drop down entrances to the bottom pit
Changed the neutrals in the top mid temple area to a strong, a medium and a small creep (2 of these)
The bridges are now a bit wider and have higher side walls that reduce extended line of sight
Base entrance window area can no longer be invaded from the outside by double jumping
Reduced the front entrances to the two single story buildings from 2 to 1 (entrances are larger)
Added more juke spots
Powerup spawn locations moved to the bridges
Improved game startup time
ALT+SPACE can now be used to select the previous player when spectating
Changed spectator camera to not force itself into roaming mode for up/down key pressed (forward/back/side only)
Removed pause cooldown while in Sandbox
Bullet Resist reduced from 8% to 7%
Fire Rate reduced from 6% to 5%
+12% Fire Rate, +1 Sprint, -40 HP
Now gives +25% Slide Distance
Now gives +4 Spirit
Cooldown reduced from 21s to 17s; Initial grace period increased from 0.2s to 0.3s
Bullet Resist reduced from 10% to 8%
Cooldown reduced from 12s to 10s
Now gives +2 m/s Move Speed during the 3s active
Bullet Shield Health increased from 225 to 250
Spirit Power increased from +5 to +7
Ammo increased from 15% to 20%
Ammo increased from 90% to 100%
Max frequency improved from 1s to 0.8s
No longer provides +20% Ammo
Now gives +100 Health
Low Health Spirit Resist increased from 40% to 45%
Active now adds +50% to your clip one time on cast. If you are reloading, it interrupts that process and gives you +50% to your clip.
Cooldown increased from 24s to 35s
Invisibility and speed duration increased from 4s to 5s; Cooldown reduced from 25s to 20s; Bullet Shield Health increased from 150 to 185; Now gives +185 Spirit Shield Health
Moved to T3 Vitality
Active now gives +2 Sprint
Health increased from +150 to +160
Fire Rate reduced from 8% to 7%
Regen increased from 2.3 to 2.5
Works against creeps for 25% effectiveness
Heal on hero kill reduced from 400 to 350
Cast range increased from 25m to 30m
Health increased from +50 to +75
Weapon Damage reduced from 10% to 6%
Bonus health increased from +250 to +275
Air Jump/Dash Distance increased from +30% to +50%
Cooldown reduced from 35s to 30s; Heal amount increased from 25% to 30%
Health increased from +75 to +100
Works against creeps for 25% effectiveness
Bonus health increased from 150 to 175; Spirit Power increased from +10 to +12; Weapon Damage increased from +12% to +15%
Invis sprint speed reduced from +5 to +2
No longer grants +200 Health; Now grants +15% Bullet Resist; Weapon Damage increased from 20% to 30%; No longer grants Bullet Shield on teleport; Now disarms the enemy for the slow duration (3s)
Added to the game.
After you die, you will respawn in 4 seconds where you died with 40% of your Max Health. Cooldown: 220s. Also innately grants +20% Weapon Damage and +10% Cooldown Reduction.
Spirit Power Per Soul reduced from 3 to 2
Spirit Resistance reduced from 8% to 7%
Passive replaced. Now causes your melee against heroes to deal +30 Spirit damage and applies -10% Spirit Resist to the target for 8 seconds. Cooldown: 8
Sprint reduced from +2 to +1
Cooldown Reduction increased from +13% to +14%
Cast Range increased from 17m to 18m
Now grants +2 Sprint; Now reduces Spirit Resist instead of providing Spirit Amplification
Spirit Power increased from +18 to +21
Target count increased from 1 to 2; Fixed sometimes waking up neutrals
Bonus Ability Charges increased from +2 to +3
Cast range reduced from 50m to 35m
Imbued Cooldown Reduction increased from +30% to +32%; Non-Imbued Cooldown Reduction increased from +20% to +22%
Cooldown reduced from 12s to 10s
Fixed a bug that could prevent you from shooting when you came out
Cooldown reduction increased from +8% to +12%
Slow now applies in the radius around the target; Radius increased from 12m to 16m
Now grants +10% Bullet Resistance
Now grants +125 Health
No longer grants +20% Ammo
Shoulder Charge now considers Spectral Wall and Frozen Shelter as walls
Infernal Resilience duration to regen increased from 14s to 16s (this is a nerf)
Infernal Resilience damage regenerated reduced from 18% to 17%
Infernal Resilience T3 increased from +8% to +9%
Seismic Impact base radius increased from 6m to 9m
Improved reliability of Seismic Impact
Seismic Impact T1 changed from +4m Impact Radius to -40s Cooldown
Seismic Impact T3 moved to T2 (was -70s Cooldown)
Seismic Impact T3 is now Gains Unstoppable while in air and 3s after landing
Base HP regen increased from 1 to 2.5
Now gains +2% Bullet Resistance per boon (happens 11 times)
No longer has 24% base bullet resistance
Hook speed reduced from 3000 to 2850
Uppercut horizontal distance knockback on enemy heroes is reduced from 25m to 20m
Fixed enemies being able to use heavy melee to cancel Uppercut's momentum
Hyperbeam is now very wide in the area right in front of the hero, then narrows into the current size a few meters away
Hyperbeam Spirit Power damage scaling increased from 1.96 to 2.2
Hyperbeam T2 increased from +120 to +140
Gun damage growth increased from 0.8 to 0.9
Kinetic Pulse spirit power scaling increased from 1.2 to 1.4
Singularity duration reduced from 3 to 2.75
Charged Shot spirit scaling increased from 1.3 to 1.6
Charged Shot damage reduced from 115 to 105
Sleep Dagger min sleep time reduced from 0.3 to 0.2
Sleep Dagger wake-up time reduced from 0.15 to 0.1
Sleep Dagger projectile size reduced by 10%
Fixation damage per stack reduced from 0.25 to 0.2
Fixation T1 and T2 swapped
Bullet Dance fire rate increased from +20% to +25%
Bullet Dance radius increased from 14m to 15m
Base damage reduced from 5.0 to 4.5
Kudzu Bomb DPS spirit scaling increased from 0.4 to 0.6
Watcher's Covenant replicated healing reduced from 35% to 30%
Frost Grenade cooldown reduced from 23s to 21s
Ice Path trail duration increased from 15s to 18s
Arctic Beam T3 now hits up to 2 additional targets
Bullet damage growth increased from 1.84 to 2.1
Base bullet damage reduced from 28 to 25
Essence Bomb T2 reduced from +70 to +60
Essence Bomb T3 increased from 20% to 22%
Life Drain self slow reduced from -40% to -25%
Soul Exchange can be cast on enemies that are lower health. It will always steal a minimum of 30% of their current health.
Grapple weapon damage is now added into the T2 instead of in the base
Ground Strike radius reduced from 13m to 11m
Death Slam cast range increased from 14m to 18m
Death Slam grab time reduced from 0.8s to 0.6s
Death Slam throw distance reduced from 20m to 12m
Death Slam T1 changed from +4m Cast Range to +8m Throw Distance
Spectral Wall cooldown increased from 30s to 35s
Spectral Wall segments that are touching the Rejuv will be destroyed
Base melee damage reduced by 20%
Base bullet resistance improved from -20% to -15%
Gun damage growth increased from 0.35 to 0.4
Base gun damage reduced from 5.6 to 5.0