パッチ・ソースPlaytesting times are now starting 1 hour earlier. Weekdays are 5PM PDT and weekends are 3PM PDT.
Added in-game custom item builds support. Create your own builds or browse builds from the community in the heroes page.
Ally player glow-through-world silhouette now communicates their current health.
Small adjustments to how the crosshair UI area looks.
Added game audio muted indicator in top left if the game is muted.
Camera can now be moved while the game is paused in replays.
Added alt info to recent damage view to make it clearer that this can be brought up again after it disappears.
Added post game player reporting option.
Added ambient music track.
Added unique Haze footstep sound effects.
Updated Trooper and Neutral shooting sound effects.
Various improvements to damage audio clarity for victims and attackers.
Sped up select Amber Hand VO that related to game state (shrines being under attack, protecting the urn runner, etc).
Adjusted timing of select Abrams impact lines to time with either the rise of his leap or the descent accordingly.
Fixed various issues with mic audio input and lag it introduced.
Fixed the Rejuvenator falling during pause.
Fixed the Idol falling during pause.
Fixed the bottom most shop items having part of their icon be unclickable.
Fixed a few unit target abilities that could sometimes select a target behind a nearby wall (e.g., Bebop Sticky Bomb).
Fixed your active items not hiding in the UI when you are dead and spectating a teammate.
Fixed various movement stuck bugs with Ivy.
Fixed upgrading McGinnis’s Medicinal Specter to T3 while active causing it to heal everyone to full instantly.
Fixed a bug that could cause all of Paradox Pulse Grenade’s pulses to go off at once.
Fixed Kelvin’s Ice Beam sometimes not hitting Neutrals.
Fixed being able to see some things through the Veils in the map that you shouldn’t be able to see.
Fixed getting stuck under stair at inner lanes near Guardian.
Fixed Abrams getting stuck on department store facade when using his ult.
Fixed missing VO for Yamato ability use/upgrades.
Mic input device is now selected from in-game settings rather than the Steam client.
Added support for binding mouse1 and mouse2 to any key.
Improved various networking and hit registration related issues.
Added some additional visual tells for the receiving end of Lash’s Death Slam.
Updated Bullet Shredder debuff effects.
Improved Vindicta’s Stake effects to make it a little clearer when you are affected.
Sapphire side materials tint color changed to white.
Sapphire side street materials changed to new asphalt blend.
Added new slide and reload animation for Wraith.
Out of combat run animation variants now only play during sprint state.
Improved visibility of Seven’s bullet and travel path.
Improved visibility of Paradox’s bullet and travel path.
Improved visibility of Wraith’s bullet and travel path.
Improved visibility of Haze’s bullet and travel path.
Improved visibility of Lady Geist’s bullet and travel path.
Added custom tracer and muzzle flash for Seven’s gun.
Added custom tracer and muzzle flash for Paradox’s gun.
Added custom tracer and muzzle flash for Wraith’s gun.
Mid-Boss is now invulnerable if there are no enemies it can actually attack.
Hero kill bounty ratio between Killer and Assister reduced from 2.75x to 2.55x (means slightly more to the Assister).
Spirit scaling reduced by ~15% (the total effective Spirit damage is reduced by less than this, impacting late game burst).
Unclaimed souls now convert 10% slower.
Vaults base bounty increased from 220 to 260.
Strong Neutrals Spirit Resist increased from 25% to 35%.
Medium Neutrals Spirit Resist increased from 25% to 30%.
Starting at 15 minutes, one melee Trooper per wave will spawn with 1.75x health.
Medic Trooper health increased from 240 to 260.
Neutrals can now lean side to side to fire when obstructed by map geometry and being attacked.
Zipline Boost ability speed increased from 100% to 130%.
Zipline Boost ability ramp time to reach max speed reduced from 2s to 1s.
Zipline base speed boost after Base Guardians are killed increased from 100% to 120%.
Zipline base speed boost's ramp time after Base Guardians are killed reduced from 5s to 4s.
Being Disarmed no longer prevents you from reloading.
Removed stack of cardboard boxes inside connection hallway near bases to prevent cover from Neutrals.
Adjusted map around the middle lanes to have an area with Veils for laning.
Sidelane Veils near Guardians are now one-way visibility (used to be blocked visibility in both directions).
Allies now compliment teammates when they see impressive use of channeled abilities (e.g., Gigawatt killing three people with Storm Cloud).
Cooldown reduced from 14s to 9s
Now requires that shotguns middle pellet hit the target
Max Bullet Resist increased from 30% to 36%
When below 40% HP you now gain 25% Spirit Resist
Fire Rate reduced from 15% to 10%
Now provides 15% Ammo
Cooldown reduced from 40s to 35s
Now displays its current number of charges on its active icon
Flat portion of the lifesteal increased from 90 to 110
Spirit bonus reduced from 12 to 8
Damage reduced from 200 to 150
Moved from T3 to T2
Duration reduced from 5s to 3.5s
Cooldown increased from 25s to 40s
Bullet Resist reduced from 25% to 20%
Cast range reduced from 20m to 15m
Cooldown increased from 22s to 27s
Range increased from 30 to 35
Now grants +2 Sprint
Spirit bonus reduced from 6 to 5
Stun duration starts after hitting the ground
HP regen reduced from 6 to 4
Damage reduced from 11% Max HP to 10%
Ammo increased from 15% to 20%
Now grants +10% Spirit Resist
Base gun damage reduced from 18 to 15
Gun damage growth reduced from +1.1 to +0.8
Sleep Dagger no longer breaks invisibility when cast (previously was part of the T3)
Sleep Dagger Spirit scaling increased from 2.3 to 2.6
Sleep Dagger T3 is now '-30% Damage Penalty On Victim for 4s after wakeup'
Sleep Dagger no longer gets +140 damage with the T3
Bullet Dance cast time increased from 0.7s to 0.8s
Bullet Dance evasion reduced from 70% to 50%
Kudzu Bomb duration increased from 3.5s to 4s
Kudzu Bomb T2 duration increased from +1.5s to +2s
Watcher's Covenant Replicated Healing increased from 50% to 65%
Watcher's Covenant Fire Rate reduced from 20% to 15%
Watcher's Covenant T1 changed to +15% Rate
Frost Grenade cooldown reduced from 26s to 23s
While Ice Pathing you no longer slow down when you shoot your gun
Arctic Beam Channel move speed increased from 4 to 6
Arctic Beam T1 changed from '+2 Channel Move Speed' to -8s Cooldown
Base Stamina increased from 2 to 3
Ground Strike base Damage Per Meter reduced from 8 to 6
Fixed some cases with Ground Strike not hitting units positioned just below the impact zone
Flog angle increased from 20 degrees to 30 degrees
Flog cooldown reduced from 35s to 30s
Kinetic Carbine Max Damage Amp reduced from 125% to 100%
Paradoxical Swap range reduced from 45m to 40m
Alchemical Flask travel speed increased from 800 to 1000
Shadow Transformation now gives you 4.5s of invulnerability after the initial 2s invulnerable channel period. You transform and refresh your abilities, improving ability speeds by 60% and gaining unlimited ammo. 'Ability Speeds' affects Power Slash cast time, Flying Strike flying time, and Crimson Slash cast time.
Shadow Transformation cooldown increased from 90s to 100s
Shadow Explosion renamed to Shadow Transformation and reworked into a new ability
Shadow Transformation no longer has radius impact behavior
Shadow Transformation T2 is now +4 m/s during Shadow Form
Shadow Transformation T3 is now +1s duration