パッチ・ソースPlaytesting times are now starting 1 hour earlier. Weekdays are 6PM PDT and weekends are 4PM PDT.
Redesigned the Walker model and visuals
Warden's Last Stand has improved visual effects
Vindicta's Crow Familiar projectile effect indicates the radius more accurately now
Added ambient sound effects
Added jar smash sound effects
Updated Cold Front sound effects
Improved NPC/minion weapon fire audio feedback for victims
Improved player damage received audio feedback
Updated Lash Death Slam sound effects
New voice for Warden (in advance of upcoming model swap)
Patrons will now play a voice warning when Rejuvenator time is close to expiring as well as when it's expired
Updated VO for Amber Hand's Patron
Various minor fixes to Ground Strike and Death Slam effects
Fixed a bug where the shopping book visuals could get stuck on your hero
Fixed a bug where Warden's second and third abilities were swapped VO wise
Fixed Time Wall damaging units that don't move multiple times instead of once per walk through
Fixed Vindicta being able to shoot above the base wall
Fixed gaps where you could climb outside of the map
Fixed a couple of spots where Mo could get stuck between a truck and wall
Fixed no collision on water tower on the garage roof.
Fixed various abuses where you can shoot neutrals without them being able to shoot back. Neutrals now become invulnerable when they have no line of sight of you for 2 seconds.
Increased the duration of the item-used popup text a bit
Added a short wall between Shrines level of the base and the Weakened Patron level
Moved the taxi back into the street to fix players getting stuck between the front and the building corner
Moved a truck away from the garage to give wide enough path for Mo & Krill
Added clips to both sides of the overpass on outer lanes to keep from hitting your head on the ledge when climbing
Added clips at outer lane T1 stairs where you could get stuck doing a roll slide
Added a wall between the T1 shop and the hallway on the outer lanes by the Fire House and the Chapel to prevent attackers from shooting the T1 without taking damage
Replaced news stand that was close to the T1 with different cover kiosk building to avoid shop confusion
Medium and Hard neutrals now spawn at 7 minutes
Neutrals now have 20% Spirit Resist
Basement neutrals now have +2 Medium neutrals and -4 Small neutrals
Basement neutrals are now classified as a Medium camp instead of a Small camp (for the purposes of spawn time)
Spirit scaling reduced by ~19% (the total effective Spirit damage is reduced by less than this, this is just the Spirit multiplier scaling portion and has largest impact on late game burst)
Respawn curve adjusted slightly (results in a few seconds of increased respawn time in the mid phase, same overall max respawn time)
Zipline Boost ability is now available at the start of the game (used to start on cooldown)
Shield break cooldown reduced from 80s to 60s
Troopers run speed increased from 10 m/s to 11 m/s
Medic Trooper health increased from 200 to 240
Cooldown reduced from 5s to 4s
Headshot damage increased from +30 to +50
Weapon Damage Per Stack increased from 5% to 6%
Cooldown increased from 3s to 5s
Now grants +150 Bullet Shield
Now grants +12% Weapon Damage
Min/Max DPS increased from 40/80 to 45/85
Moved from T2 to T3
Removed cast time
Bonus health increased from +150 to +200
Cooldown reduced from 90s to 80s
Now provides a Spirit Shield instead of a Bullet Shield
Now provides +50 Health
Now also reflects 30% of Spirit damage (requires line of sight)
Bullet damage returned reduced from 75% to 60%
Fixed not returning fire to McGinnis' sentries
Now gives +4 Spirit
You can now use the active again while in the air to dive down faster
Cooldown reduced from 8s to 5s
Added a new T3 Spirit Item, Shifting Shroud. Innate: +10% Fire Rate. Active: You become invulnerable for 2.5s, during which you cannot move or perform any actions. When your invulnerability expires, your gun is instantly reloaded and you gain 14 bonus Spirit for 6s. Cooldown: 70s.
Bonus damage reduced from +40 to +35
Now does 2.2% Max HP DPS instead of flat DPS
Max HP bonus damage reduced from 13% to 11%
Cast range increased from 40m to 50m
Now provides +75 Health, +3 Regen and +6 spirit
Fire Rate slow increased from 20% to 35%
Now requires Suppressor as a component
Now triggers off of casting ultimates. Grants 700 bullet shield and 40 spirit for 10 seconds.
No longer gives +20 Spirit for the second cast
Extra damage on the reverb reduced from 40% to 35%
Now has +10% Base Spirit Resistance
Frozen Shelter T1 increased from +35% to +40% Fire Rate Slow
Ice Path T3 Now gains 1 Spirit per meter of Ice Path trail created. Max of 40 Spirit.
True Form cooldown reduced from 50s to 40s
Soul Exchange now uses a new instant cast mechanism. When you are in range there is a valid target indicator.
Ground Strike Stomp Damage reduced from 125 to 110
Death Slam cooldown increased from 110s to 130s
Grapple Bullet Damage bonus increased from +4 to +6
Grapple cooldown decreased from 45s to 40s
Mini Turret T1 is now +1 Charge and +25% Movement Slow
Mini Turret T2 is now +10m Attack Range and +10% Fire Rate
Spectral Wall cooldown reduced from 40s to 35s
Combo now uses a new instant cast mechanism. When you are in range there is a valid target indicator.
Kinetic Carbine T3 reduced from +75% to +50%
Last Stand no longer goes on cooldown when it is interrupted during its initial cast delay
Shadow Explosion cooldown reduced from 120s to 90s