Mystify your rivals with combat tricks so vexing that they won't believe their eyes! Summon a spectral assistant, polymorph foes into rabbits, and turn the enemies own abilities against them! Impossible? Not for THE MAGNIFICENT SINCLAIR…
Spectral Assistant
Assistant damage now follows his gun's falloff range
Assistant base damage reduced from 30 to 20
Updated model with new wand weapon.
Moved to a new animation set.
Fixed Sinclair keeping some passive bonuses from stolen ultimates after they've been used.
Fixed enemy Mo & Krill getting buffs from copied ult.
Fixed issue if both Sinclair and enemy Mo & Krill are using their ultimates at the same time (when one ended, both would end).
Don't show stat changes for abilities that are stolen from using ultimate when previewing items in the shop.
Spectral Assistant
Spectral Assistant now has updated vfx.
Spectral Assistant's bullets updated to come out of the turret's muzzle position.
Fixed Spectral Assistant firing effects to not track with projectile.
Rabbit Hex
Added warning sound for Sinclair's rabbit hex when placed.
Vexing Bolt
Increased volume of Vexing Bolt projectile loop and redirect.
Vexing Bolt redirect telegraph now displays on vertical geometry.
Base Attack
Bullet velocity increased from 86 to 340
Bullet Damage reduced by 15%
Spectral Assistant
Spectral Assistant now has new VFX
Rabbit Hex
Rabbit Hex targeting mechanism reworked: - Now an AoE target ability in the base - 0.7s delay before the area is affected - Cast range increased from 20m to 30m - Movespeed bonus reduced from 35% to 15% - Cooldown reduced from 45s to 35s
Rabbit Hex now has new VFX
Audience Participation
Audience Participation range increased from 10m to 20m
Audience Participation copy duration decreased from 20s to 10s
Various new and improved SFX
No longer has -35% Headshot Damage Reduction
Vexing Bolt
Vexing Bolt now allows for retargeting through walls and can bend around corners
Damage mechanics reworked; now increases damage as the bolt travels (75 min, 150 max), 2s to reach max damage. T3 is now +150 max damage, +50% assistant damage
Vexing Bolt
Vexing Bolt T2 updated to remove base fire rate debuff, add as T2 upgrade, and remove spirit shred T2
Rabbit Hex
Rabbit can now use jump
Rabbit Hex projectile updated to better track targets that have recently changed models
Spectral Assistant
Spectral Assistant VFX radius and lifetimes now scale off of clone damage
Audience Participation
Audience Participation cooldown with successful usage reduced from 100% to 50%
Audience Participation stolen ultimate duration increased from 10s to 20s
Audience Participation VFX updated steal effect to feel snappier
Audience Participation fixed a typo in the ability description
Rabbit Hex
Movespeed increased from 25% to 35%
Can no longer be applied to Unstoppable
Now triggers Reactive Barrier
Fixed Debuff Reducer not working on Rabbit
Teleporting now drops the Urn
Vexing Bolt
Base damage reduced from 120 to 110
Spectral Assistant
Base cooldown increased from 30s to 40s
Base duration decreased from 8s to 6s
Added The Magnificent Sinclair