Holliday depends on her skills as a crack shot, shooting thing's she's bounced into the air. With good aim she can lay out heavy damage. Her movement skills let her isolate enemies or beat a hasty retreat.
Powder Keg
T2 decreased from +120 to +100
Bounce Pad
Cooldown increased from 37s to 41s
Bounce Pad
Bounce Pad New T1 is -10s cooldown
Bounce Pad T1 is now T2
Bounce Pad
Bounce Pad T2 is now T3; Removed T3 Stun
Spirit Lasso
Spirit Lasso now has a cast bar on the hud during wind-up.
New in-air looping sound added to the first time she uses a bounce pad.
Updated vo - some new content, including increased variety of Crackshot lines.
Powder Keg
Powder Keg cooldown between charges increased from 2s to 3.5s
Bounce Pad
Bounce Pad T2 damage reduced from +100 to +80
Powder Keg
Powder Keg will no longer arm instantly if the player has the Bounce Pad modifier
Powder Keg Charge Time increased from 1s to 2s
Powder Keg knock up time reduced by 15%
Bounce Pad
Bounce Pad no will no longer expire after 5 seconds in the air
Bounce Pad will now be more responsive for the player when landing and dealing damage
Bounce Pad spirit scaling reduced from 0.9 to 0.4
Bounce Pad will now play a different sound on the player's first bounce when the stomp modifier is active
Bounce Pad VFX and lifetime display improved
Spirit Lasso
Spirit Lasso duration now lasts 1.5s longer when using Bounce Pad
Spirit Lasso duration reduced from 2.5s to 2.25s
Fixed an issue where the lasso animation would sometimes get stuck
Base Attack
Bullet damage growth increased from 1.5 to 1.7
Powder Keg
Reduced from 140 to 120
Now triggers on units. Uses half cooldown when triggered this way.
Spirit scaling increased from 1 to 1.2
Damage reduced from 75 to 60
Fixed Crackshot applying Slowing Hex's anti-teleport debuff
Increased from 75 to 85
Now also has -2s on creeps
Spirit Lasso
Duration increased from +0.5 to +0.75
Bounce Pad
Fixed height on damage from Bounce Pad sometimes causing it not to hurt heroes on your lasso
Added Holliday